Overcoming Addiction: Why Remote Recovery Coaching Is A Good Option

When it comes to overcoming addictive behaviors, gathering up the courage to reach out for help can feel overwhelming and scary. You may not feel comfortable going out to a behavioral health facility, which may lead to you not getting the help you need to overcome your addiction. Remote addiction recovery coaching can help you get the treatment you need from the comfort of your home.

Individual Coaching Sessions

When you schedule an appointment with an online addiction recovery coach, you will begin your initial session by meeting one-on-one with your coach. The first meeting is crucial for you to get to know your coach and discover if you feel at ease working together. You should feel comfortable with your coach and meeting online versus in-person can make the process feel less intimidating.

Addiction Education

Understanding how addictions develop and understanding why they are so destructive is important to the recovery process. Your remote coach can help you discover why your addiction occurred and help you be aware of any triggers that may cause a relapse. You will be educated on subtle signs to look for that can derail your recovery progression.

Small Group Sessions

Your addiction recovery coach may give you the option of participating in remote group sessions via the use of online social media platforms. In-person group sessions can feel overwhelming but online sessions offer the same level of encouragement without the stress of physically sitting in a crowded room with people you do not know. Being part of a remote small group allows you to hear stories of how others overcame their addictions and what methods worked for them.

Ease of Access

It is not uncommon for those in addiction recovery programs to drop out and not complete treatment. This often occurs because going to in-person counseling sessions can be inconvenient due to scheduling conflicts, unexpected weather events, sickness, or long commutes. When you are receiving coaching remotely, you can eliminate many of these inconveniences, and you can even attend coaching sessions if you are traveling on vacation or away for business purposes.

There are many reasons those who suffer from addiction avoid going for help. Just the thought of sitting in a waiting room or being in unfamiliar surroundings can be a deal breaker for those who have anxiety issues. Fortunately, remote addiction coaching is available and can help alleviate many of the concerns addiction sufferers experience so they can get the help they need.
